Board of Directors


Board of Directors – 2019-2020

BGCBigs is guided by a volunteer board of directors representing a cross section of industries in Edmonton & Area. We are so honoured at the commitment and dedication of these individuals who provide invaluable support to our various divisions.

  • Susan Makale – President/ Chair of Board | Executive Director – Superintendant’s Office
  • Phillip Peters – Secretary Treasurer/ Chair of Finance Committee | Chartered Accountant/ Lawyer
  • Blake Shewchuk – Director at Large | General Manager/Accountant
  • Deborah Fisher – Director at Large | Lawyer
  • Doug Ingersoll – Director at Large | Lawyer
  • Leanne McFee – Director at Large | Retired
  • Mansur Bitar – Director at Large | Engineer
  • Michelle Millard – Director at Large | Barrister & Solicitor
  • Mike Morison – Director at Large | Principal
  • Nancy Reynolds – Director at Large | Independent Consultant
  • Sabrina Giordano – Director at Large | Manager – Advancement Services
  • Susan Rockwood – Director at Large | Director of Corporate Strategy and Risk
  • Thomas Woodburn – Director at Large | Indigenous Cultural Advisor
  • Rick Zasada – Guest of the Board | Retired
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P: 780.424.8181